Tuesday, September 25, 2007


As many who know me will attest, even my most resolute of resolutions often change. At least one, however, has held steady. One year ago I declared that I would never drink boxed wine again. I urge all of you to adopt this resolution as your own. No good can come of boxed wine. It tastes terrible and has dangerous, dastardly consequences for all those who partake. I shudder when I walk by boxed wine at the liquor store. You should too.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Time Has Come

The time has arrived for me to begin sharing my commentary with the world - or at least the internet, and perhaps those two are now the same thing. And so I present a brief letter of introduction. I resolve to write interesting things about interesting topics. Of course, "interesting" is a highly subjective term, but I'll do my best to pique the curiousity of others, perhaps educate a bit, and refine my thinking and writing abilities. Stay tuned ...